How To Speed Up Your Computer’s Performance For Home Working 15 Mar 2021
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, everyone was encouraged to work from home to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus. From data collected in April 2020, 46.6% of people in employment ended up working remotely, and 86% of these homeworkers did so as a direct result of the pandemic. Almost a year later, many are still in their home offices dialling into video calls to collaborate with their colleagues.
For some industries, however, flexible working and remote staff are set to stay. And, after adjusting to our new work surroundings, many enjoy their new set-up. The one complaint is slow computer performance. Read on to find out how you can improve your computer’s performance with our advice.
Reduce Unneeded Temporary Files
Your work computer can quickly become clogged up with temporary internet content, causing your system’s performance to decrease dramatically. By clearing out this stored data, you will not only increase the speed of your computer, but you can also prevent identity theft.
Simply removing the stored information will not solve the problem. The clearance needs to be scaled up. In preventing large amounts of stored internet content, your computer will speed up and perform better as its memory will be significantly increased.
Manually deleting your computer’s internet storage is a timely process, and problems can be instigated if this process is not carried out correctly. However, this process can be significantly increased by using data wiping software such as WipeDrive.
WipeDrive is the market-leading product that enables computers hard drives to be erased entirely of all its data; the data will be 100% unrecoverable. This software is a great way to guarantee all your personal and confidential data has been removed when you come to recycle, repurpose or sell on a device. It is also a great way to increase your laptops performance by removing all unnecessary documents and internet storage securely.
Internet Content
After a significant data wipe has taken place, there are several things you can do to reduce the amount of information is stored on your computer. In addition, this will also promote your internet safety habits.
Firstly, it is good practice to periodically remove your stored content from visited web pages, overall reducing the spread of your personal details. It is also recommended only to download trusted material and verify the sources are legitimate beforehand. Moreover, changing your internet security features not to access cookies from non-trusted sites is a great way to avoid unnecessary temporary files building up in your computer’s memory.
Defragmenting is another way you can reduce the stored data on your computer or laptop and improve the performance of the device. When data is stored on a computer, the way information is stored can take up a significant amount of room on your drive. For example, when a file is saved, it will most likely be broken up into pieces, and these pieces will be stored in several different locations, beginning with the centre of your disk platters (WhiteCanyon).
By defragmenting your saved files, they are re-saved and instead stored in order rather than in pieces. Running a ‘defrag’ will speed up the time your computer’s operating system takes to access a saved file and, in turn, dramatically improve your computer’s performance speeds.
Keep your Computer Up-to-Date
Another suggested way to help keep your computer running at its best is to ensure all your hardware drivers and windows software is up-to-date. In doing so, you will reduce the risk of them becoming infected with a virus and potentially leaking your personal data.
Computer software and hardware is updating far more than people realise and, consequently, severe problems are more often than not caused by outdated or damaged drivers.
If your business would like help managing all of its IT assets, those which are office-based as well as those deployed remotely, get in touch with us today. You can find out more about Global EMEA’s Asset Management services on our website or chat with one of our experts to see how we could support you. Ring us on +44 (0) 844 251 0471 or simply fill out our online enquiry form today.